Diverse Communities in Economics
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 12:00–1:00 PM
- LocationJCC280
Join the Tufts Economics Society and the Department of Economics for a conversation about diversity in economics. There will be a panel discussion followed by a meet-and-greet.
More from Jumbo Life Calendar
- Mar 1212:00 PMDaily Flame DevotionalJumbo Life Calendar | Campus Center Room 219
This is a student-led Christian devotional. Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/daily-flame-devotional-6 - Mar 124:00 PMTherapy 101 Workshop: What is Therapy and How do I Get Connected?Jumbo Life Calendar | 120 Curtis Street
Have you thought about meeting with a therapist but have questions about what therapy entails? You're not alone. Join CMHS Care Manager, Courtney Nugent, for a workshop to help demystify the process of starting therapy. The first half of the workshop will include a discussion of what therapy is, what it isn't, and what it can be. Past conversation topics have included how to navigate discussions with family members about starting therapy, different types of therapeutic offerings, and how to learn more about your insurance benefits and coverage. The second half will be a tutorial on how to connect to therapy, both on and off campus depending on your needs and interests.
Prior registration is required. Please go to www.tinyurl.com/CMHSgroups to register in advance. Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/therapy-101-workshop-what-is-therapy-and-how-do-i-get-connected - Mar 125:30 PM2025 Russell Lecture on Spiritual LifeJumbo Life Calendar | Goddard Chapel
Leading with Love: Learning from Histories and Imagining Futures With Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson and Rev. Patrick B. Reyes, Ph.D. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Goddard Chapel We look forward to welcoming two innovators in spiritual leadership, Revs Drs. Emma Jordan-Simpson and Patrick Reyes, our Russell Lecturers for 2025. Coming to Tufts from Auburn Theological Seminary in New York City, Dr. Jordan-Simpson and Dr. Reyes have distinguished themselves as public intellectuals, working at the intersection of community organizing and research. At Auburn, they have centered research and building sustainable structures for solidarity in the work for justice–learning from histories and imagining futures. Their commitment to building up emerging leaders across all sectors of society resonates deeply with the mission of the University Chaplaincy. Please bring your wisdom and questions as our guests are eager to learn from you as well. The Voices for Peace and Light choir will be performing two pieces for the event too. Please plan to attend on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., in Goddard Chapel. The event recording will be available soon after March 12. You can email the University Chaplaincy with any questions or accessibility needs.
Register here: https://tufts.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_24aH8ikH5VUWFam Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/2025-russell-lecture-on-spiritual-life - Mar 127:00 PMJumbo Flow JamJumbo Life Calendar | Balch Lobby (Aidekman)
Flow Arts practice sessions. Juggle, spin poi, hoops, staff, etc. Mess around with all kinds of other props. We welcome beginners (all of the current leadership started with no experience) and people with more experience. Come by, hang out, listen to some tunes, and flow art with us! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/jumbo-flow-jam-20 - Mar 127:30 PMDIY Sugar ScrubJumbo Life Calendar | Tsungming Tu Complex, Rm 112 (Nelson Auditorium)
Scrub Into Success with ISPE! 🧴 Calling all ISPE innovators! Join us for a sweet and scrub-tacular event where science meets self-care. We'll be formulating our own sugar scrubs—because good chemistry isn't just for the lab! Mix, experiment, and take home a custom creation while connecting with fellow pharmaceutical enthusiasts.
Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/diy-sugar-scrub - Mar 127:30 PMNeuroNetwork Career PanelJumbo Life Calendar | JCC Room 180
Get ready for our Spring Semester Career Panel where we engage students with the career paths open to neuroscience-related majors and neuro-centric interests; the goal of the panel is to highlight neuroscience in real-world settings! We'll be featuring a diverse group of professionals from various fields where neuroscience knowledge is applied, such as neurolaw and neuroaesthetics. This year’s career panel will be in person on Wednesday, March 12th, from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Tufts Joyce Cummings Center room 180. See you all there! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/neuronetwork-career-panel