- 10:00 AM2hLet's TalkJumbo Life Calendar | Tisch Library, Room 313
Let's Talk is an easy, low-commitment way to speak to a CMHS counselor about challenges in your life. You can talk about specific problems, brainstorm solutions, and consider next steps. Individual drop-ins are 15 to 20 minutes, and Let’s Talk meetings are not therapy. Drop by Tisch Library, Room 313 between 10am and 12pm on Thursdays to speak with a clinician.
Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/lets-talk-6 - 11:00 AM3h[L] Tufts University Men's Squash vs University of Virginia - AT ARLEN SPECTER US SQUASH CENTER[L] Tufts University Men's Squash vs University of Virginia - AT ARLEN SPECTER US SQUASH CENTER L 0-9 Streaming Video: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNt6bATA09xAugaMI-Jyc8dsNfaFZxqma
- 11:00 AM3h[L] Tufts University Women's Squash vs University of Virginia - AT ARLEN SPECTER US SQUASH CENTER[L] Tufts University Women's Squash vs University of Virginia - AT ARLEN SPECTER US SQUASH CENTER L 1-8 Streaming Video: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNt6bATA09xAugaMI-Jyc8dsNfaFZxqma
- 12:00 PM45mDaily Flame DevotionalJumbo Life Calendar | Campus Center 218
Come to learn more about the word of God! All are welcome! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/daily-flame-devotional-16 - 12:00 PM3h 60mThirst bake saleJumbo Life Calendar | Campus center
Come for some baked goods - chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, and peanut butter cookies Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/thirst-bake-sale - 5:30 PM2h 30mSOLES x MicrosoftJumbo Life Calendar | Burden Lounge
Microsoft will be coming and presenting their company and potential job/internship offerings in the area. Microsoft will be present and available for independent discussion with members presenting. Microsoft members will host 1 on 1 mock interviews with attendees to offer interview and communication practice and training skills. Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/soles-x-microsoft - 6:00 PM1hCancer Outreach Club Guest Speaker Event ft. Mona Kaddis, MDJumbo Life Calendar | 231 Mugar Hall
Tufts Cancer Outreach Club hosts Mona Kaddis, MD, to speak about her work as an oncologist and oncology at large! Join to listen in and ask questions about her experience as a physician!
Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/cancer-outreach-club-guest-speaker-event-ft-mona-kaddis-md - 6:00 PM1hHIIT ME Up! w/ Lauren KramerJumbo Life Calendar | Hill Hall Aerobics Room
All undergraduate/graduate students are welcome to attend fitness classes led by trained student instructors! Classes are free and open to all levels of experience. Please come to the Hill Hall Aerobics Room (entrance is at the back of Hill Hall, up the stairs to the right of the mail room) five minutes prior to class start time. No equipment required! Follow tufts.tusc on Instagram for updates on the program or reach out to our fitness coordinator at Arianna.farrel@tufts.edu with any questions! Our weekly schedule: Healing Hatha w/ Elijah Mirman Monday 5-6pm Explorative yoga to soften your edges and center your mind, body, and heart.
Burn the Beat w/ Ella Lombardo Tuesday 6-7pm Move your body with simple choreography and fun beats in this Zumba class
Boot Camp w/ Courtney Kreitzer Wednesday 8:30-9:30am Power up your day with fun, dynamic strength and endurance training
HITT ME Up! w/ Lauren Kramer Thursday 6-7pm Reset and strengthen with an upbeat total body circuit
The Barre Scene w/ Arianna Farrell Friday 10:30-11:30am Full-body fitness barre class to strength, sculpt, and stretch to the beat!! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/hiit-me-up-w-lauren-kramer-16 - 6:00 PM1h 30mMalawi the JourneyJumbo Life Calendar | TTC Atrium
This event highlights Tufts EWB's work in Malawi and will feature activities showcasing our work! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/malawi-the-journey - 6:00 PM2h 30mSpring Figma Workshop SeriesJumbo Life Calendar | Eaton Hall (201)
Welcome to the Spring Figma Workshop Series hosted by THFES. In this 4-part series you’ll explore and learn the UI/UX design software, Figma with progressing complexity — from beginner to advanced. At the end of the series, you’ll have the chance to showcase your project, receive expert feedback, and compete for prizes! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/spring-figma-workshop-series-2 - 6:30 PM1h 15mFuture Histories Content ReviewJumbo Life Calendar | Meyer Campus Center, room 220
Come join us every Thursday evening at 6:30pm to read and review student poetry and prose. Gain experience with critical, productive peer critique and have a say on what gets published in Tufts's premier literary magazine! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/future-histories-content-review-12 - 6:30 PM1h 30mGrad Game NightJumbo Life Calendar | Mural Room, 3rd Floor, Asian American Center
Grad Game Night at the Mural Room, Asian American Center! Join us at 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM! See you there! Serving food and boba! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/grad-game-night - 7:00 PM1h 15mPetey Greene Program EventJumbo Life Calendar | Barnum 104
We will host a movie screening Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/petey-greene-program-event - 8:00 PM1hSmut SlamJumbo Life Calendar | Crane Room
Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/smut-slam-2