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- 5:21What's in your inbox? 🌷April 2022 ☀️ Admitted Student Edition 🐘🎉Tufts' International Team receives many questions from around the world about the application process and international student life at Tufts. We're here to answer some of the most frequently asked questions in our inbox. This month we’ll answer questions about our favorite spots on campus, how to learn more about academic departments, and how to get even more excited about Tufts this April.
- 4:18Welcome to Tufts, Class of 2026!Congratulations on your admission to Tufts! We are thrilled to have you on campus. Please enjoy this video as a small glimpse into the world waiting for you on campus.Filmed and edited by Susannah Murray '24.
- 0:33Community Fair: PulseWe are Tufts University's Indian Classical Dance Team!Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tuftspulse/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tuftspulse/ E-mail: pulse.tufts@gmail.com
- 1:00Community Fair: Tufts Buddhist Mindfulness SanghaTufts Buddhist Mindfulness Sangha is a student community that supports mindfulness and Buddhist activities at Tufts. It holds regular meetings where the Tufts University Buddhist in Residence or student members of the group lead guided meditation practices, followed by group discussions that seek to develop listening skills and compassion. The meetings provide a means to relieve stress and to become more mindful. Individuals of any religious or philosophical background are welcome, and no prior experience is necessary, only an open mind. The group is supported and advised by the Tufts University Chaplaincy Buddhist in Residence.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TuftsSangha/ E-mail: tuftssangha@gmail.com
- 0:30Community Fair: Tufts Electric RacingThe Tufts Racing Team began in 2008 under the leadership of Matt Liberatore (E’09) and with support from School of Engineering Dean’s Office and the Peter and Denise Wittich Family Fund for Alternative Energy Research.https://sites.tufts.edu/racing/ https://www.instagram.com/tuftsracingteam/ https://www.facebook.com/tuftsracing
- 0:28Community Fair: Women in IRWomen in International Relations (WIIR) is a recently founded organization committed to exploring opportunities for women in international relations (IR). WIIR is aiming to strengthen the IR female community at Tufts. Through mentorship and networking events, we strive to build a safe space for dialogue, empowerment, and career-building. The IGL’s mission has always been to educate students to become leaders committed to their community and devoted to solving complex global issues that may involve social, political, and ethical implications. As women and femme-identifying individuals have only been able to celebrate their identities in recent years, WIIR wishes to help amplify women’s capabilities and guide their roles as global leaders.https://www.tuftsgloballeadership.org/program/women-international-relations http://www.tuftsgloballeadership.org/programs/women-ir https://www.facebook.com/wiirtufts/
- 0:25Community Fair: SurgeSino-U.S. Relations Group Engagement (SURGE) is an undergraduate group at Tufts created to promote and expand the understanding of the world’s largest bilateral economic and political relationship. For more than a decade, the club has moderated student discussions, sponsored book talks, published newsletters, and hosted a yearly China-U.S. Symposium in order to explore every facet of the Sino-U.S. relationship and the broader East Asian region—from economy, technology, to geopolitics. SURGE does not exclusively focus on international relations and has long tried to blend the different realms of business, culture, and academia on both sides of the Pacific. In a time of great animosity and tension between the two nations, SURGE seeks out practical and informed ways to bridge the gap and build stronger ties on issues that unite us. We hope that the efforts of SURGE will not only improve awareness and foster understanding, but also to build a lasting legacy that Tufts students can take with them to their professional careers.https://tuftssurge.org/what-we-do/ https://www.facebook.com/tuftssurge/ http://www.tuftsgloballeadership.org/topics/tufts-surge https://twitter.com/tuftssurge?lang=en
- 0:29Community Fair: AmalgamatesFounded in 1984, the Amalgamates are Tufts University’s oldest all-gender a cappella group. The ‘Mates have a tradition of musical excellence represented by both the current singers and a network of over 190 alumni worldwide. The 'Mates have performed in a variety of locales from Baseball Stadiums to Barcelona, Spain. We've performed at schools, fundraisers, conducted workshops, and busked on street corners around the world.Our critically acclaimed albums have won Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (CARAs) ranging from Best Song to Best Soloist to Best Mixed Collegiate Album from the Contemporary A Cappella Society of America (CASA). We have also had a number of songs featured on Best of College A Cappella's (BOCA) annual compilation albums.The 'Mates are, and have always been, a group of close friends who share a passion for making great music.To learn more about the Amalgamates or to lister to their music, click the links below!http://amalgamates.com/about-us- https://www.instagram.com/tuftsamalgamates/ https://www.facebook.com/TheTuftsAmalgamates/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/1DmVFcr4tL6md0PI5kQXeQ https://music.apple.com/us/artist/the-amalgamates/314868438 https://www.youtube.com/user/TuftsAmalgamates
- 0:49Community Fair: Latin American Committeehttps://en-gb.facebook.com/tuftslac/about http://www.tuftsgloballeadership.org/programs/latin-american-committee
- 0:30Community Fair: Tufts Electric Racing Teamhttps://sites.tufts.edu/racing/ racing.tufts@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/tuftsracing
- 6:23Home @ Tufts: Hana '23Hana '23 shows off her space with her roommate as part of our Home @ Tufts series.
- 2:12Home @ Tufts: Blake '24Blake '24 shows off his residence hall in our series Home @ Tufts.
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