More from Tufts Events
- Apr 2912:00 PMDigital Scholarship ConversationsBuilding: Tisch Library City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Tisch Library, Austin Room or Zoom (register via LibCal for Zoom link) Open to Public: Yes Primary Audience: Faculty,Students (Graduate) Event Type: Lecture/Presentation/Seminar Event Subject: Education,Humanities Event Contact Name: Kaylen Dwyer Event Contact Email: Link: Tisch Library is hosting a Digital Scholarship Conversations series, a monthly brownbag open to faculty and graduate students. Each conversation will focus on a different topic, helping us share ideas and build community around the intersection of digital technology and our research and teaching. Discussion topic/guest speaker TBA. This event will be hybrid. Join us onsite at Tisch Library in the Austin Room.
- Apr 293:00 PMCommuniTEA with IIEBuilding: Barnum Hall City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Rabb Room Open to Public: No Primary Audience: Staff Event Type: Community Engagement Event Sponsor Details: Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence RSVP Information: Link: Tufts staff and administrators are invited to join the Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence for monthly gatherings of community, connection, and joy. Drop-in for a quick visit or stay the whole time! Coffee, tea, and dessert will be provided.
- Apr 30 – May 1BeltaneEvent Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. The final fertility festival, celebrating the Earth's fecundity and anticipating the power of the sun and the Earth in summer.
- Apr 30 – May 4Ghambar MaidyozaremEvent Type: Multifaith Observance Celebrates the creation of the sky and harvesting of the winter crop.
- May 2–3TUSM Reunion Weekend 2025Campus: Boston Health Sciences campus Open to Public: No Primary Audience: Alumni and Friends Event Contact Name: Kara Ray Tufts University School of Medicine annual reunion for classes ending of 0s and 5s.
- May 12All dayWesak (Buddha Day)Event Type: Multifaith Observance The commemoration of Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana, celebrated on the day of the full moon of the sixth lunar month in Southeast Asian cultures; in Tibetan culture, Wesak commemorates only the enlightenment and parinirvana. The dates of this celebration vary significantly among Buddhist cultures and communities.