- Apr 293:00 PMCommuniTEA with IIEBuilding: Barnum Hall City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Rabb Room Open to Public: No Primary Audience: Staff Event Type: Community Engagement Event Sponsor Details: Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence RSVP Information: https://forms.gle/4RddX6hPKbie2gfy8 Link: https://diversity.tufts.edu/events/ Tufts staff and administrators are invited to join the Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence for monthly gatherings of community, connection, and joy. Drop-in for a quick visit or stay the whole time! Coffee, tea, and dessert will be provided.
- Apr 30 – May 1BeltaneEvent Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. The final fertility festival, celebrating the Earth's fecundity and anticipating the power of the sun and the Earth in summer.
- Apr 30 – May 4Ghambar MaidyozaremEvent Type: Multifaith Observance Celebrates the creation of the sky and harvesting of the winter crop.
- May 2–3TUSM Reunion Weekend 2025Campus: Boston Health Sciences campus Open to Public: No Primary Audience: Alumni and Friends Event Contact Name: Kara Ray Tufts University School of Medicine annual reunion for classes ending of 0s and 5s.
- May 12All dayWesak (Buddha Day)Event Type: Multifaith Observance The commemoration of Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana, celebrated on the day of the full moon of the sixth lunar month in Southeast Asian cultures; in Tibetan culture, Wesak commemorates only the enlightenment and parinirvana. The dates of this celebration vary significantly among Buddhist cultures and communities.
- May 22–23Declaration of the BabEvent Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Commemorates the day in 1844 on which he announced his identity as the "Bab" ("Gate"), the herald of the new age.
- May 26All dayMemorial DayCampus: Boston Health Sciences campus,Boston SMFA campus,Grafton campus,Medford/Somerville campus,Off-campus Open to Public: Yes Event Type: University Holiday The university observes a holiday on this day.
- May 27–28Ascension of Baha'u'llahEvent Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Marks the anniversary of the death of the founder of the Baha'i faith. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
- May 273:00 PMCommuniTEA with IIEBuilding: Tisch Library City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Austin Room Open to Public: No Primary Audience: Staff Event Type: Community Engagement Event Sponsor Details: Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence RSVP Information: https://forms.gle/4RddX6hPKbie2gfy8 Link: https://diversity.tufts.edu/events/ Tufts staff and administrators are invited to join the Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence for monthly gatherings of community, connection, and joy. Drop-in for a quick visit or stay the whole time! Coffee, tea, and dessert will be provided.
- May 29All dayAscension of JesusEvent Type: Multifaith Observance The celebration of Jesus' ascension into heaven and enthronement as universal sovereign. It comes 40 days after Easter. The date observed by Protestants and Roman Catholics is often different from the date observed by Orthodox Christians, but in 2025, the date is the same. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
- May 30All dayPrimary Care Precepting ConferenceBuilding: Tufts Center for Medical Education City: Boston, MA 02111 Campus: Boston Health Sciences campus Location Details: MedEd Room 114 Open to Public: Yes Primary Audience: Faculty Event Type: Conference/Panel Event/Symposium Event Subject: Medicine Speaker Name: Keynote Speaker: Judith Steinberg The 26th Annual Primary Care Precepting Faculty Development Conference, PCP 2025, will take place on Friday, May 30, 2025, at Tufts University School of Medicine, 145 Harrison Ave, Boston. The conference is geared toward our faculty, fellows, and residents who teach in a primary care setting. All disciplines are welcome.
- Jun 1–3ShavuotEvent Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Or "Feast of Weeks," Shavuot marks the conclusion of the seven weeks following Pesach (Passover). It is a celebration of the harvest of first fruits and commemorates the giving of the Torah and Commandments at Mount Sinai. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
- Jun 6–7Eid-al-Adha ('Id Al Adha)Event Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Approximate date (moon dependent). Also called "Festival of Sacrifice," one of the two main Islamic festivals (the other is Eid al-Fitr), this festival falls on the 10th day of the lunar month of Zul-Hijja and is the concluding act of pilgrimage to Mecca. In commemoration of Abraham’s faith, sheep, goats and camels are offered to God, and the meat is distributed to the poor and needy. Eid al-Adha is observed whether or not one is on pilgrimage. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
- Jun 8All dayPentecostEvent Type: Multifaith Observance The commemoration of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus following his ascension, Pentecost is considered the "birthday" of the Christian church (Acts 2:1-11). It comes 50 days after Easter (Pascha, Orthodox Easter). Roman Catholic and Protestant Christians often observe Pentecost on a different date from Orthodox Christians, but in 2025, the date is the same. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
- Jun 16All dayMartyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev JiEvent Type: Multifaith Observance The fifth Guru (1563-1606), Arjan built the Golden Temple of Amritsar to emphasize that the Sikh way was open to all, regardless of caste; the temple was constructed with doors facing all four directions. The first Sikh martyr, Arjan is also remembered for his contributions to and compilation of the Sikh Scriptures.
- Jun 19All dayJuneteenthCampus: Boston Health Sciences campus,Boston SMFA campus,Grafton campus,Medford/Somerville campus,Off-campus Open to Public: Yes Event Type: University Holiday The university observes a holiday on this day.
- Jun 21All dayLitha/MidsummerEvent Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Summer Solstice, celebrating the longest day and the blessings of light as well as the beginning of the sun god's death.
- Jun 243:00 PMCommuniTEA with IIEBuilding: Joyce Cummings Center City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Lantern Room Open to Public: No Primary Audience: Staff Event Type: Community Engagement Event Sponsor Details: Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence RSVP Information: https://forms.gle/4RddX6hPKbie2gfy8 Link: https://diversity.tufts.edu/events/ Tufts staff and administrators are invited to join the Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Inclusive Excellence for monthly gatherings of community, connection, and joy. Drop-in for a quick visit or stay the whole time! Coffee, tea, and dessert will be provided.
- Jun 26All dayFirst of Muharram (Ra's al-Sanat Al Hijrivah)Event Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. The first day of the first month of the Islamic year. This day commemorates the Hijra ("migration") of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622 C.E., where the first Islamic community was established.
- Jun 27All dayMartyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his Brother HyrumEvent Type: Multifaith Observance The Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were assassinated in 1844 while incarcerated in Carthage, Illinois.
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