Tuesday, April 15, 2025
- All dayPassover (Pesach)Event Type: Multifaith Observance Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Passover commemorates the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. It is celebrated for eight days with special prayers and symbolic foods at home, starting with the Seder, a ritual meal that re-enacts that ancient deliverance and emphasizes the freedom of the Jews under the guidance of God. The first two and the last two days are holidays. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
- 12:00 PM1hCivic Life Lunch: Inmates to EntrepreneursOnline Location Details: https://tufts.zoom.us/meeting/register/MzGKAqPKQUCbJ9kBkC_yZg Building: Barnum Hall City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Rabb Room (100) Wheelchair Accessible: Yes Open to Public: Yes Primary Audience: Alumni and Friends,Faculty,Parents,Postdoctoral Fellows,Staff,Students (Graduate),Students (Postdoctoral),Students (Undergraduate) Event Type: Lecture/Presentation/Seminar Event Subject: Career Development,Innovation,Social Justice/Human Rights Event Sponsor Details: Tisch College Speaker Name: Brian Hamilton and Lawrence Carpenter RSVP Information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1225711007619?aff=oddtdtcreator Admission/Cost: Free Link: https://tischcollege.tufts.edu/news-events/events/civic-life-lunch-inmates-entrepreneurs Meet Brian Hamilton and Lawrence Carpenter of Inmates to Entrepreneurs, an organization dedicated to reducing recidivism through entrepreneurship and education. Brian Hamilton, a successful entrepreneur and co-founder of Inmates to Entrepreneurs, and Lawrence Carpenter, Inmates to Entrepreneurs chairman of the board and business owner, will share their journeys, the transformative power of entrepreneurship, and how financial stability is essential for lasting, systemic change. The conversation will explore the intersection of criminal justice reform, business innovation, and civic responsibility. Attendees will gain insights into how entrepreneurial opportunities can empower individuals and strengthen communities.
- 12:00 PM1hCivic Life Lunch: Inmates to EntrepreneursJumbo Life Calendar | Rabb Room, Barnum Hall
Join us for an inspiring Civic Life Lunch conversation with Brian Hamilton and Lawrence Carpenter of Inmates to Entrepreneurs, an organization dedicated to reducing recidivism through entrepreneurship and education. Brian Hamilton, a successful entrepreneur and co-founder of Inmates to Entrepreneurs, and Lawrence Carpenter, Inmates to Entrepreneurs Chairman of the Board and business owner, will share their journeys, the transformative power of entrepreneurship, and how financial stability is essential for lasting, systemic change. The conversation will explore the intersection of criminal justice reform, business innovation, and civic responsibility. Attendees will gain insights into how entrepreneurial opportunities can empower individuals and strengthen communities. Lunch will be provided. Register Now!
Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/civic-life-lunch-inmates-to-entrepreneurs - 6:00 PM1hBurn the Beat w/ Ella LombardoJumbo Life Calendar | Hill Hall Aerobics Room
All undergraduate/graduate students are welcome to attend fitness classes led by trained student instructors! Classes are free and open to all levels of experience. Please come to the Hill Hall Aerobics Room (entrance is at the back of Hill Hall, up the stairs to the right of the mail room) five minutes prior to class start time. No equipment required! Follow tufts.tusc on Instagram for updates on the program or reach out to our fitness coordinator at Arianna.farrel@tufts.edu with any questions! Our weekly schedule: Healing Hatha   w/ Elijah Mirman                             Monday 5-6pm Explorative yoga to soften your edges and center your mind, body, and heart.
Burn the Beat    w/ Ella Lombardo                         Tuesday 6-7pm Move your body with simple choreography and fun beats in this Zumba class
Boot Camp    w/ Courtney Kreitzer                        Wednesday 8:30-9:30am Power up your day with fun, dynamic strength and endurance training
HITT ME Up!  w/ Lauren Kramer                     Thursday 6-7pm Reset and strengthen with an upbeat total body circuit
The Barre Scene w/ Arianna Farrell                        Friday 10:30-11:30am Full-body fitness barre class to strength, sculpt, and stretch to the beat!! Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/burn-the-beat-w-ella-lombardo-13 - 6:00 PM2hCriminal Law PanelJumbo Life Calendar | Barnum Hall Basement Auditorium 08
Join the Pre-Law Society for our first-ever criminal law panel. We will be welcoming a panel of criminal lawyers and formerly incarcerated people to learn more about what criminal lawyers do and what it is like to be a defendant in the legal system. We hope that aspiring lawyers can learn from both the lawyers and formerly incarcerated speakers about the power of being a good advocate for your client and how criminal legal work looks on a day-to-day basis. Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/criminal-law-panel - 7:00 PM45mTCU Government Presidential Nominating CeremonyJumbo Life Calendar | Eaton Hall 112
As part of the Presidential Elections, we invite any and all members of the TCU community who are interested to join us for the ceremony to nominate candidates for the TCU Presidential elections happening within the next two weeks. Learn more at http://tufts.presence.io/event/tcu-government-presidential-nominating-ceremony - 7:00 PM3hTufts University Men's Lacrosse vs Babson CollegeTufts University Men's Lacrosse vs Babson College Streaming Video: http://tuftsjumbocast.com/