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Offices that Provide Support

Offices that Provide Support

Counseling and Mental Health Services (CMHS)

Counseling can provide support and help you gain a better understanding of yourself, as well as help you develop skills to cope better emotionally, socially or academically. CMHS offers individual counseling, same day appointments for brief consultations, medication management, group counseling, and other forms of help. All services are confidential.

Health Service

The Health Service is a primary care practice that provides routine health care (e.g., physical exams, immunizations) and treats urgent concerns (e.g., fever, sore throat, sprained ankle, vomiting, concussions, etc.). All services are confidential.

Student Support

Student Support teaches students to navigate personal and life concerns such as health and wellbeing challenges, family emergencies, and housing or food insecurity. The team empowers students to understand options for support and connect with campus resources. You may also consult with Student Support if you are worried about a student or are seeking guidance about how to support to a student.

Community Standards

Community Standards promotes and enforces the Student Code of Conduct so that all students can live together in shared community in a way that promotes safety, wellness, and personal growth. Anyone who has witnessed or been the recipient of a violation of university policy can report it for Community Standards follow-up or contact the office to discuss options.

Advising Deans

All undergraduate students have an advising dean. Your advising dean can meet with you to discuss concerns about academic difficulty, extended absences and personal leaves, policies related to curriculum and graduation requirements, graduation progress, and advice on navigating academic flexibility with your professors. Advising deans are available during business hours by appointment. Graduate students with these questions can contact their graduate program director or the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.

StAAR Center

The Student Accessibility and Academic Resources (StAAR) Center provides accessibility services to students with disabilities and they provide writing support, tutoring, academic coaching, and other academic support services to all students. Appointments for tutoring, academic coaching, writing assistance, and other academic support can be booked online

CARE Office

The Center for Awareness, Resources, and Education serves as a confidential resource to all students impacted by sexual violence. They also provide educational programs and workshops on topics such as sexual health, consent, healthy relationships, and campus climate.

Health Promotion and Prevention

Through education and prevention initiatives, Health Promotion and Prevention provides resources related to alcohol and drugs, nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress management.

Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)

The Office of Equal Opportunity maintains the policies and resources that safeguard Tufts’ commitment to equal opportunity and inclusion. A student may submit a report alleging a violation of the sexual harassment or non-discrimination policies, get information about resources, or learn about policies.

University Chaplaincy

The chaplaincy is available to all students seeking resources in a particular faith tradition, craving more depth in your daily life, or needing a caring presence in a difficult moment. Our chaplains work with eight different worldview communities, and are trained to respectfully support anyone in our Tufts community.