[ENVS Lecture Series] A Rural Agrarian Reckoning: Multigenerational Farmers Seeking to Repair Soil, Agriculture, and Rural America Itself
Building: Curtis Hall Campus Location: Medford/Somerville campus City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Curtis Hall Multipurpose Room (474 Boston Ave., Medford, MA) Wheelchair Accessible: Yes Open to Public: Yes Primary Audience(s): Alumni and Friends Event Type: Academic Date/Deadline,Lecture/Presentation/Seminar/Talk Event Sponsor Details: Environmental Studies Program Event Contact: Sinet Kroch
sinet.kroch@tufts.edu RSVP Information: RSVP only needed for virtual attendants Link: https://tufts.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-8IPB7IYQkCpfATXguXoAw Sydney Giacalone, doctoral candidate in anthropology at Brown University, researches multigenerational farmers and ranchers across the U.S. who are transitioning away from conventional practices towards environmentally and social repairing approaches. This experience often involves questioning past education and internalized ideologies and learning to collaborate with nonhuman life to repair degraded ecologies. Join Giacaloneto learn more about her research.