Transboundary Water Issues Globally: Challenges and Opportunities for Collaboration
Building: Curtis Hall City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Curtis Hall Multipurpose Room (474 Boston Avenue, Medford, MA) Wheelchair Accessible: Yes Open to Public: Yes Primary Audience: Faculty,Staff,Students (Graduate),Students (Postdoctoral),Students (Undergraduate) Event Type: Lecture/Presentation/Seminar Event Subject: Education,Global Engagement,International Affairs,Politics/Policy/Law,Science,Sustainability/Climate Event Sponsor Details: Environmental Studies Program RSVP Information: RSVP only needed for virtual attendants Event Contact Name: Sinet Kroch Event Contact Email: Link: Globally, over 300 transboundary river basins provide around 60% of the world’s river flow to nearly half the world's population, supported by around 600 internationally shared groundwater bodies. These internationally shared resources have historically been framed as potential sources of conflict due to incompatible interests, particularly the argument that water scarcity leads to war. Over the past three decades, our understanding of transboundary water conflict and cooperation has significantly changed. Initially focused on 'water wars' in the 1980s and 1990s, we now recognize that cooperation is more likely than conflict in international waters. However, we are still missing critical pieces of the evolving puzzle. Is cooperation going to continue to be more prevalent? Are new challenges, such as impacts from climate change, able to be addressed adequately? Join the presentation to explore trends, challenges, and opportunities for transboundary water conflict and cooperation.