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Thursday, March 27, 2025
- All dayRamadanOpen to Public: Yes Event Type: Multifaith Observance Event Sponsor: University Chaplaincy Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Approximate date (moon dependent). The Holy Month of Ramadan is the month of fasting during which Muslims who are physically able do not eat or drink from the first sign of dawn until sunset in honor of the first revelations to the Prophet Muhammad. The evening meal is celebrated with family. Observance(s) during this time may include fasting.
- All dayGreat LentOpen to Public: Yes Event Type: Multifaith Observance Event Sponsor: University Chaplaincy In Orthodox churches, the first day of Lent marks the beginning of the Great Fast, the final six weeks of a 10-week period leading up to Holy Week and Easter (Pascha). In the churches that follow the Gregorian calendar, Lent is a six-week observance (40 days excluding Sundays) beginning with Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week. It is a time of repentance and sacrifice in preparation for Easter. Observance(s) during this time may include fasting.
- All dayLaylat al-QadrOpen to Public: Yes Event Type: Multifaith Observance Event Sponsor: University Chaplaincy The Night of Power or Destiny commemorates the first revelation of the Qur'an (the Islamic scriptures) to Prophet Muhammad in 610 CE.
- 12:00 PM1hInvesting for Climate? How Financial Institutions Incorporate Climate Change Into Their Decision-MakingBuilding: Curtis Hall City: Medford, MA 02155 Campus: Medford/Somerville campus Location Details: Curtis Hall Multipurpose Room (474 Boston Avenue, Medford, MA) Wheelchair Accessible: Yes Open to Public: Yes Primary Audience(s): Alumni and Friends,Faculty,Staff,Students (Graduate),Students (Postdoctoral),Students (Undergraduate) Event Type: Lecture/Presentation/Seminar/Talk Event Subject: Business,Education,Sustainability/Climate Event Sponsor: School of Arts and Sciences Event Sponsor Details: Environmental Studies Program RSVP Information: RSVP only needed for virtual attendants Event Contact Name: Sinet Kroch Event Contact Email: Link: "ESG," "net-zero," "Paris-aligned," "impact investing," "intensity-based targets," and "financial materiality" are just a few of many terms that are often mentioned in investment strategies that take into account environmental impacts and potential risks from the effects of climate change. Parsing through the nuance of these words is key to unlocking the private sector's full potential in financing climate change solutions. A good grasp of these terms is also necessary to navigate the multitude of sustainability claims companies make on the extent of their sustainability practices. After building some intuition on how the financial sector's interests are driven in terms of climate investing, attendees will be able to apply this to their own areas of interest in terms of how public and private sectors can best complement each other's climate-related efforts.
- 5:00 PM3hTufts University Women's Lacrosse vs Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyTufts University Women's Lacrosse vs Massachusetts Institute of Technology Streaming Video: